Saturday, January 7, 2012

Alkaline Water: Treatment for Arthritis

Alkaline water is something I had never heard of until my friend was told he had cancer. We both got busy searching the net for things to do to slow it down or stop it. He was sure he didn't want undergo what his medical doctor had to offer of cutting (surgery), poisoning (chemotherapy), or burning (radiation).

There  is an article out, stating that most doctors surveyed would not submit to the above treatments if they personally had cancer. What does that tell you? There appears to be many better ways to deal with cancer but even if he knew, your doctor would lose his license by telling you, because the AMA and big drug companies couldn't sell their expensive and ineffective drugs. If you are further interested, find a movie called "Healing Cancer From the Inside Out",it is a absolute jaw dropper.

One of the first things we came across was Dr. Atkins, of the Atkins Diet, saying that, "Of all the major diseases, arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, and cancer, acidosis is present." Acidosis is when the body can't stay slightly alkaline, the way it was created to be. When that light bulb came on for me,I bought a water ionizer

Acidosis, too much acid, is created many ways, but a diet high in sugar, refined flour (bread, pasta, cakes and cookies, and sodas), lots of meat, and milk, cheese, and other dairy will cause it. I used to eat only those acidic things and lots of them. When your body has more acid than it can get rid of, it does two things to keep you alive.

1.) If your system is too acid the body will store excess acid in your fat and that makes it hard to lose weight. It is like us sweeping dirt under our rug, the acid is still there.

2.) With too much acid is in the blood, your body goes into a panic. Your blood must be maintained very close to 7.35 pH. If it goes above or below 7.35 pH you lapse into a coma and die. So anytime something happens to upset that fine balancing act, the body will rob calcium from your bones to buffer or neutralize this excess acid. You can't keep that up all your life with out paying the price eventually.

Bottom line is that an acidic diet can bring on arthritis, gout and too many other bad things to mention here. A diet change to more alkaline foods, (rabbit foods) along with drinking alkaline water, caused my joint pain to just disappear in about 4 weeks. My 30 year skin rash disappeared after 8 weeks! Oh!, another acid reducing tip, take a brisk walk everyday. Your circulation will improve and the dog will like you even more.

By J. Mike George
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